(polish version)
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- Seminars
- Presentations
- Workshops
- Workshop 'IT for US' (3 - 7.07. 2006) and (29.01 - 2.02.2007)
- national range;
The aim of the workshop was testing interdisciplinary course modules worked out in the frame of project IT for US. The participants were science teachers (physics, chemistry, biology) from secondary schools.
- Workshop 'Is IT for US?' - GIREP'06 conference, Amsterdam, 20 - 25 August 2006 - international range;
Participants attending this workshop had a chance to work with developed materials and perform hands-on activities with computers.
- Workshops 'Data-logging as a source of science knowledge', Warsaw, (4.12.2006 - 08.01.2007) and (6.11 - 27.11.2006) - local range;
- Workshops for the teachers during the conference:
New technology in education - national range conference organized by Teacher's voice, Microsoft, Intel (Warsaw, 12 - 13.04.2007)
- Workshops for the teachers during the conference:
New technology in education - national range conference organized by Teacher's voice, Microsoft, Intel (Chełm Lubelski, 14 - 15.09.2007)
- Conferences
- Annual Conference of Polish Association of Science Teachers (Opole - September 2005) -national range;
In the conference were presented introductory results of Context Survey conducted in Poland in 2005.
- Annual Conference of Polish Association of Science Teachers (Warsaw - 10 September 2006) - national range;
During the conference took place workshops for science teachers and activities concerning 'Energy and the Human Body' module were presented.
- 8th International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science, Crete (Greece) from June 30th to July 6th 2007 - international range;
During the conference took place symposium: Information Technology for Understanding Science (IT for US) http://cblis2007.teicrete.gr/sessions.asp
- Annual Conference of Polish Association of Science Teachers (Toruń, 7 - 9 September 2007) - national range;
During the conference took place workshops for science teachers and activities concerning Electricity, Photosynthesis and respiration , Strong and weak acids modules were presented.
- Conference ICT Supporting Active Learning in Science, National In-Service Teacher Training Center, Warsaw,
21st September 2007 - national range;
- ICT Supporting Active Learning in Science (the Polish version 2,7 MB);
- Computer tools for inquiry learning ( the English version 186 kB); - STOCHASMOS: The design of a web-based tool for scaffolding students' reflection in data-rich, inquiry-oriented investigations (the English version 4,0 MB)
- Conference Teaching and learning physics with ICT, Computer Assisted Education and Information Technology Centre, Warsaw,
16 January 2008 - local range;
- Papers
- Małgorzata Chmurska, Elżbieta Kawecka, IT helps with understanding science - project IT FOR US, Bulletin of Polish Association of Science Teachers, Toruń 2005 - national range;
- J. Dunin-Borkowski , E. Kawecka, Bungee jumping - how TI helps to study motion,
Gained the first position as a paper concerning mechanics in the competition 'Computer Assistance in Teaching Natural Experiment', Poznań 2005 - national range.
- M. Chmurska, E. Kawecka, ITforUS - Information Technology for Understanding Science, Meritum - Mazowiecki Kwartalnik Edukacyjny, Nr 4, 2007
local range.
- U. Poziomek, Information Technology in teaching and learning biology, Meritum - Mazowiecki Kwartalnik Edukacyjny, Nr 4, 2007
local range.
- Leaflets
international range
- Website
international range